Community Services
Admits and LTA
Long term authorization (LTA) is made up of lists of persons who are allowed into
department offices/buildings after business hours. LTA is good for a maximum of one
semester/term. This policy is designed to allow students, student workers, or other
persons into secure areas in which their supervisor or instructor feels they will
need to work. All faculty and staff automatically have permission to be let into their
own offices or general areas in their buildings.
No one will be admitted into any building if their name is not listed on the LTA form
with an appropriate faculty or full-time staff signature and the date the authorization
is good until. All authorizations need to be sent to the Campus Safety Department
in writing. A phone call is good for a one-time admittance only.
The Aquinas College Escort Service is used to promote the personal safety of members
of the Aquinas College community.
- This service is provided 365 days of the year from dusk until dawn and for special circumstances. An escort will be provided when a person wishes to come to, or leave campus for academic reasons or for any school-related extracurricular activities.
- Under no circumstances will Campus Safety escort an individual to party stores, grocery stores, bars or house parties.
- The escort service is not a taxi service. Rain is not an excuse for a mobile escort, however, during severe weather (i.e., tornado, electrical storm, flood) mobile escorts may be used.
- If a student lives outside of the one-mile radius boundary limit, he or she may apply, in advance, to the Director to consider allowing the escort.
>>Download our Escort Boundary Map (pdf) For escort services please call 632-2462.
Aquinas ID Cards
Vehicle Lock-Out Service
If you lock your keys in your vehicle while on campus, you may contact the Department
and an attempt will be made to open your vehicle; however, a waiver needs to be signed
releasing the College from liability. Proof of ownership and identification will be required.
Battery Jump Start Service
The Department of Campus Safety will provide jump starts for vehicles parked on the
Aquinas campus as time permits. This service is free of charge, however, a waiver
releasing the College from liability must be completed by the vehicle's driver.
Questions? Contact Us.
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Official Title