Implementing Accommodations for Note-Taking
Some students may qualify for note-taking accommodations such as audio recording lectures, using note-taking technology, or receiving note-taker services. If you have note-taking accommodations, discuss with your professor(s) this accommodation and their individual course. A few students may be eligible for in class note-taker services in the form of class notes. Students with this accommodation can make requests for a note-taker by completing the note-taker request form located on our website. Students should complete this request form two weeks prior to when note-taking services are needed if possible. Setting up note-taker services involves several interactive steps between Accessibility Services, course professors, potential peer note-takers, and Human Resources. Please complete the request form and discuss your request with your professor as soon as possible to expedite the process.
Accessibility Services
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday (during fall and spring semesters) in Lower Wege Office
(616) 632-2177
For questions or concerns about website accessibility, please contact